OPB608 reflective switches consist of an infrared emitting device (LED or VCSEL) and a NPN silicon phototransistor mounted “side-by-side" on a parallel axis in a black opaque plastic housing.
OPB608 reflective switches consist of an infrared emitting device (LED or VCSEL) and a NPN silicon phototransistor mounted “side-by-side” on a parallel axis in a black opaque plastic housing. All OPB608’s (except OPB608) have an emitting device and a phototransistor that are encapsulated in a visible filtering epoxy. The phototransistor responds to radiation from the emitter only when a reflective object passes within its field of view. The phototransistor has enhanced low current roll-off to improve the contrast ratio and immunity to background irradiance. LED versions are designed for near-field applications.
The VCSEL version is designed for longer distances.
OPB608A, OPB608B and OPB608C devices are designed for applications with reflective distances between 0.050” (1.270 mm) and 0.375” (9.525 mm). OPB608V is designed for applications with reflective distances between 0.050” (1.270 mm) and 1.200” (30.480 mm). All of these are designed for light patterns not visible to the human eye. By utilizing the night enhancement function of a camera, the near infrared light pattern can be seen. This allows a user to see the pattern shining on the reflective object.
OPB608R is designed for applications with reflective distances between 0.050” (1.270 mm) and 0.300” (7.620 mm). It is designed for light patterns visible to the human eye. The efficiency of this sensor is lower for optical wavelengths in the visible range, thus reducing the distance that can be used.
Reflective distances are dependent upon the drive current for the light emitting device, the wavelength of the light source, and the type of reflective material; therefore, each application should be checked for the ability to meet each requirement. Custom electrical, wire and cabling and connectors are available. Contact your local representative or OPTEK for more information.